The slasher film which is also sometimes referred to as bodycount films and dead teenager movies is a sub-genre of horror film typically involving a psychopathic killer who is often wearing a mask who stalks and graphically murders a series of victims in a random, unprovoked fashion, usually teenagers or young adults who are away from mainstream civilization or far away from help and often involved in sex and illegal-drug use.
The killer almost always uses unconventional weapons such as blades, chainsaws, cleavers, and blunt objects; very rarely, if ever, using guns. There is often a back story that explains how the killer developed their violent mental state, and why they focus primarily on a particular type of victim or a particular location.
Often, the attacker is able to withstand most or all of his victims' attempts to defend themselves. Even after being shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, electrocuted, burned, or drowned, he is able to continue stalking his victims. Typically, in sequels the killer returns from the dead and is defined more as an inhuman "pure evil" rather than as a psychopathic killer.
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