Tuesday 25 January 2011

Shooting Script

Shot 1 - Grace outside building, close-up shot, showing only her head and shoulders. Lasts for approx. 3 seconds. Exterior shot. High key lighting.

Shot 2 - Long high angle shot at top of stairs inside building. Showing grace running up stairs. Lasts for approx 2.5 seconds. Interior shot. Low key lighting.

Shot 3 - Grace running through long connection of rooms as camera tracks back with her. Medium close up shot. Interior shot. High key lighting. Lasts for approx. 3 seconds.

Shot 4 - Similar shot of Grace running through rooms but Low angle shot. Long shot. High key lighting. Lasts for approx. 3 seconds.

Shot 5 - Grace trying to open fire exit. High angle shot. Stationary camera. High key lighting. Lasts or approx. 5 seconds. Interior shot.

Shot 6 - Shot of Grace running down fire escape stairs. Low angle tracking shot. Exterior shot. High key lighting. Lasts for approx. 2 seconds. Long shot.

Shot 7 - Shot of Grace getting to bottom of fire escape stairs. Medium long shot. Exterior shot. High key lighting. Lasts for approx. 2 seconds.

Shot 8 - Depth of field shot. Two different points of focus, car and Grace. Long shot of Grace running to car. High key lighting. Exterior shot. Lasts for approx. 4 seconds.

Shot 9 - Low angle shot through car window towards Grace. Medium shot. High key lighting. Lasts for approx. 3 seconds. Interior shot.

Shot 10 - Close-up shot of hands on gate. High angle shot. High key lighting. Lasts for approx. 1.5 seconds. Exterior shot.

Shot 11 - Close-up shot on roof of car at Grace. High key lighting. Lasts for approx. 2 seconds. Exterior shot.

Shot 12 - Long shot of Grace. Through window looking out at her. Low key lighting. Tracking shot. Steady cam. Lasts for approx. 7 seconds. Interior shot.

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