Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? Youtube feedback & Conclusion

From our audience feedback on our trailer and magazine we have learned much about how our audience felt about our trailer, poster and magazine.
From comments and likes on youtube and facebook we have learnt that many people are impressed and like our trailer.
For example here you can see a comment by someone on our trailer:

From this we can learn that the first of many people to later comment highly enjoyed our trailer. This person gave us parts that they like and also gave us a criticism, this helped us greatly because it let us know that certain people from our audience expect more tension in a trailer than the amoun ours had. However since we decided to challenge the convention of tension her criticism lets us know that we successfully challenged the convention of horror trailers create much tension. Also since this person wanted more close-ups this lets us know that the audience most likely prefer not to see too much of the setting in a horror teaser traile. This may be because they want the trailer to show as little it can of a movie so as not to spoil it. They seem to have really liked our choice of music and sound effects and the timing of it, this lets us know we captured this aspect of the traditional horror trailers. The person also mentioned that they would have liked to see more blood, this also informs us that we have succesfully challenged the convention of bloody shots and gore without straying from the horror genre.


To evaluate all of the feedback our group has received it is fair to say we have had all positive comments with the majority highliting all the good things they liked about it. This let us know we both challenged and used certain conventions for our horror trailer to make it as original as possible. Constructive criticism that was given greatly helped us in understanding how our audience received our products.
The main areas that we could have improved include the words on our magazine, by this I mean how they much they stand out ad how they are seen. For example with our magazine one person mentioned how we could have made the date on our magazine stand out more and also the subheadings by giving them a white stroke. Here is a picture of the comment:

Another thing we could try to improve is to have more close-up shots in our trailer so as not to give away to much of the setting to our audience. Doing this could potentially increase their intrigue of our trailer and want to find out more about the setting of where the girl is in the film and go and see it.
When we asked six people to give their views on our poster and magazine many of them commented on the darkness of our poster and how it should be a bit more brighter. If we had more time we would definantly take into consideration the comments we have received when editing our products. We would focus on the criticisms and try to further increase the authenticity of our main product and ancillary texts.

For some of our audience feedback we held a screening of our trailer in one of the media classrooms. We got some good feedback from some of the people who attended the screening.

We also filmed peole for some feedback relating to our film poster and magazine front cover.

The feedback that we had from different people, helped us to think about what we could have improved if we had the chance to do it again.  I could have made the music more daunting to make our trailer more of a horror as it hasn’t got any of the bloody aspects to it, we could have made more posters to advertise the film. 

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